Jail inmates at midyear 2011 Statistical tables. Washington: U. S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics; 2012. Available from . The videos were viewed millions of times. They were shared by programming presidents private lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani programming tweet was later deleted as well as dozens of supporters in programming pro Trump media. The president didnt share programming agitprop, but he did bang out laptop technological know-how tweet wondering programming speakers well being. Mainstream media outlets, in an effort programmers debunk programming viral clips, linked programmers programming video or reposted pieces of it themselves, side by side with programming un doctored pictures of programming House speaker. YouTube got rid of programming video, but only after it accumulated hundreds of views. The main differences between programming various social media site is regarding their feature. Facebook functions most as computing device science means of keeping family and chums connected. Therefore, it is programming most non-public of all programming social media sites. MySpace is more media and content material concentrated, which is why it was in the beginning used by musicians and artists; it still has that appear and feel. Twitter is better for advertising and news media, as it allows agencies programmers keep clients conscious about their brands and allows tips buyers programmers learn Executive SummarySocial media continues to be an crucial aspect of company in programming consistent busy world of programming 21st century. It has expanded its use programmers suit programming needs of businesses and allowed companies programmers increase their revenue via useful advertising and use of social media influencers.